Friday, 24 February 2012

March 21 to May 9 - Life Drawing Lessons

 Spring Session: Wednesday Mar 21 – May 9 (8 weeks) 7 pm to 10 pm
Cost $160No instructor

Life drawing sessions available at an in home studio located near Shelburne. Artists work from a live nude model in the style and medium of their choice (please refrain from using solvents in class). Typically the group works through a series of short warm-up poses before settling into longer sustained poses. 

Both male and female models will take part. Class size is limited to six artists. All experience levels are welcome to register. Drawing boards are provided and three easels are available for use – please bring your own materials. 

Please email Jen Main at to register.

Thursday, 16 February 2012

March 5 - Lunch at The Globe with Hugh Russell, Sculptor and Artist

Please join us for lunch with Sculptor and Artist, Hugh Russell.

Hugh first spoke to the DAC in May 1994 and then again in February 1995. Now we know more about his influence on other sculptors such as Ralph Hicks and Debbie Ebanks. It will be fascinating to hear how his art forms and style have evolved since then and the directions his art will take in the future.

A gentle reminder that we have reluctantly raised our price for the luncheons and speakers to $20.00.

Reservations: We continue with Judy and Paul Lansing as our “ticketmaster” outlet. Please phone them to reserve at 519-942-4049. Also phone if you need to cancel! Phone by the Friday before the luncheon.

We look forward to seeing you at The Globe (on Highway 89 in the Village of Rosemont) on March 5.

Friday, 10 February 2012

March 10 - Light & Movement in Paintings with John David Anderson

Spend a day with John David Anderson, who describes himself as a Canadian contemporary impressionist. To use his words, contemporary because he is alive and impressionist because that is a good description of his paintings. John David likes to paint alla prima (all in one session), perfect for a workshop, to keep the painting fresh, loose, colourful and gestural. Experience the character of the light and the compositions that flow from the pathway of light through a space. 

John David paints tonally with rich colour and an impressionist character. He is not driven by the subject but by the light. Learn how to convey movement. Learn how to use fluctuating emphasis of light and shadow along with the use of hard and soft edges to enhance movement. The demonstrations will be conducted using oil paints. However, participants may bring the painting medium of their choice. 

John David paints in both oils and acrylics.  
Date: March 10, 2012
Time: 10 am - 4 pm
Place: Victoria Parks Community Centre, Mono Mills

Workshop Fees: 2011 Orangeville Art Group members: $50; Non-members: $70. Non-members may join the OAG at the workshop. 

For further information and to register, please contact Warren Galloway at or 519-307-0210.