Monday, 30 July 2012

Lunch at the Globe

Lunch at the Globe
(on Highway 89 in the Village of Rosemont)

Another season with NO SNOW-OUTS! Judy and Paul have developed an amazing way to convince the weatherman to desist on Mondays.

And I can sleep quietly on Sundays next year! It will be someone else's worry. This brings with it an URGENT REQUEST for volunteers to help plan and co-ordinate the luncheons. If we get two or three, the job will be easy. Basically, it involves selecting potential speakers, contacting them and scheduling their talks. Then, there are thewrite-ups for the artsletter and emails to encourage members to register. The set-up at The Globe is now fairly routine with lots of techies about. Enlisting introducers and thankers is not onerous. There are plenty of possibilities.

Some may be frightened away by the thought of having to act as MC. I'll continue to do that - when needed - until someone wrestles me to the ground. For me, that's the fun part.

So, please think on this! Join the committee to keep the luncheons speakers series going.

To that end, I've lined up what looks like a fascinating list for June and into the fall:


A gentle reminder that we have reluctantly raised our price for the luncheons and speakers to $20.00.

We continue with Judy and Paul Lansing as our “ticketmaster” outlet. Please phone them to reserve at 519-942-4049. Also phone if you need to cancel! Phone by the Friday before the luncheon. We give Beth and David our numbers on Saturday morning so that they can order sufficient food and we are billed according to that number.

As Beth and David always have a little extra, we can add a few last minute members up to Sunday night, but we are billed for the number we quote on Saturday morning. If you find you can attend but have no reservation, call Judy up to Sunday night to see if there is space. If you reserve and do not cancel, we will have to send you a bill! We would rather have you there! Book as early as possible, preferably right after the previous month’s event.

That's all for now!
Dick Byford

Friday, 27 July 2012

DACetera - Spread the Word…

It is hard to believe that another quarter has gone by! I have been busy these past months working toward our goals as per the Trillium grant mandate. An integral part of this position is to be vociferous about our wonderful organization.

To accomplish this I have been talking, blogging, tweeting and meeting! We now have over 30 organizations from our community following us on Twitter and over 1300 views of our blog to date!

As for good old-fashioned communication, I have been telling so many people about our great luncheons, our spectacular DACAS events and amazing excursions that new members have joined us each and every month since my posting.

I would love help from all of you to promote our fabulous group. Imagine that we could double our representation in the community if every member invited just one friend or neighbour to join DAC. Greater enrollment in DAC equals greater advocacy for the arts in Dufferin.

Let’s all get out and promulgate!! (If you have to look that one up, you’re in good company!)

We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men.
~Herman Melville
Arlene M. Taylor

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

July 29 - City Dairy

Paul Huntley will present on the Ontario dairy collecting hobby using local area dairy artifacts and will also discuss his new history book on the City Dairy of Toronto

Guests are encouraged to bring in any local dairy or City Dairy information or stories they would like to share for a show and tell session at the end of the presentation. 

Tickets are $10 per person, $5 for DCMA members. Please contact the DCMA 1-877-941-7787 to reserve or purchase tickets by phone.

July 29, 2 pm

Monday, 23 July 2012

July 28 - Martamus and Romeo: Two Unknown Canadian Horse Stories

Two paintings from the 2012 Beauty in the Beast exhibit have a special story and place in Canadian animal history.

Using the actual paintings as a backdrop, Curator Wayne Townsend will tell the intriguing stories of Martamus, a race horse who has a hospital wing named after him and is buried at the Royal Botanical Gardens and Romeo, a heavy horse whose journey started in England and ended up in Brandon, Manitoba. 

Tickets are $10 per person, $5 for DCMA members. Please contact the DCMA 1-877-941-7787 to reserve or purchase tickets by phone.

Dufferin County Museum & Archives 
July 28, 1:30 pm

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

July 23 - 30 Expressive Arts Retreat Newfoundland

Expressive Arts Retreat Newfoundland

How often do you make awakening your creativity the top priority in your summer vacation plans? This summer, Ayrlie MacEachern and Sue Miller, two local artists, make it easy for you to do both! 

Ayrlie and Sue invite you to explore your own creativity while being surrounded by the dramatic beauty of one of Canada’s most unique and memorable places: Newfoundland

Ayrlie and Sue welcome you to join them in a charmingly renovated 100 year-old church that is perched on a plateau overlooking a rocky coastline and the harbour of Ochre Pit Cove. The church has cozy bedrooms, a common kitchen and living area plus space for creative self-expression. The retreat will include a blend of guided instruction and spontaneity using visual art and movement to reconnect participants with their creative spirit. 

For more information about this retreat, including rates, please contact Ayrlie at 705-444-0550, or Sue at

Monday, 16 July 2012

Artist in the Spotlight - Carol Gregg

Artist Biography:

A sense of history and scenery is natural to Carol owing to her early upbringing in Northern England. Her teens brought fervour to her interest in art and she found a love for oil paint, taking a number of art courses to help accentuate her talents.

Settling into the rolling hills of Mono with her family and intrigued by the beauty of the surrounding Hockley Valley scenery, Carol’s artistic interests were renewed.

Several art courses and workshops, including ones with Harold Klunder and Peter Koslisnyk, have helped Carol find a love of working in oils once again.

Carols work is fluid and vibrant, reflecting awareness of her beautiful surroundings.

Artist Statement:

Deep in the woods they stand… watching.
Silent witnesses to it all! The Ancient ones.
My series of oil paintings, I began in 2003 entitled “The Silent Watchers” is a tribute to the life force of the ancient trees that still stand in our forests.
May they assist us in our awakening!


One can sit quietly – as I do – and observe the surroundings.
listening – inhaling. This is my mindset before I even contemplate what it is
I want to capture on canvas, the very mood of the
present moment.
perhaps it is the changing light or lack thereof. Or
perhaps there is a heady aroma, a Corus of birds or just
profound silence.
in times of quiet contemplation… I have sensed a
certain energy that surrounds me.
All these things affect me and thus my
Using palette knife, brush or fingers, with oil paint on canvas, I hope to convey these moments to the viewer.

-          Carol Gregg

Carol Gregg
RR1 Orangeville ON L9W 2Y8
(519) 942-2254

Artist in the Spotlight is prepared by Arlene Taylor, Community Outreach Coordinator at The Dufferin Arts Council (DAC).

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

July 7 & 8 - Animalia

July 7 - 8, 10 am - 4 pm

The animal and bird world as Kai-Liis sees it - in glorious colour and fantastic shapes! Framed and unframed paintings, cards and much more. Also alpaca products including socks, skeins, and rovings - and meet the alpacas who so kindly donated their fleece! 

At Kai-Liis Art Studio and Heed Farm Alpacas, 836100 4th Line EHS Mulmur, west of Airport Road and 1 Km north of Highway 89. 

For more information call Kai-Liis at 519-925-0421 or email

p.s. Ask about the workshop schedule at the studio in July and August.

Monday, 2 July 2012

July 6 & 7 - Orangeville Art Group’s Art4U On Mill

Experience the world of visual art at the Orangeville Art Group’s Art4U On Mill

This two-day event - July 6 and 7 -  on the Arts and Culture Promenade at the Founders' Fair, in the heart of Orangeville, will feature interactive demonstrations in two and three dimensions including oil, watercolour, acrylic, pastels and a variety of other media. 

Join the excitement in the marquee tent. Engage artists with diverse talents. Discuss their inspiration, their art and ask questions. Purchaseone-of-a-kind works of art. 

For more information go to