Saturday, 26 April 2014

May 05 - Lunch at the Globe: Ellen Cole

“To come or not to come – that is the question.”

Our speaker, Ellen Cole, will tell us some of the interesting inside stories associated with running a theatre company producing the plays of William Shakespeare.

Ellen spent eight  years in the administration of the Royal Shakespeare Company in the United Kingdom and four years with Canada’s Stratford Festival.

Thursday, 17 April 2014

May 04 - DCMA's Annual Get Together

Each year the DCMA has an annual meeting for our members, want to be members, patrons, and to honour our volunteers.

Held off site, each year in a different municipality. This year it is Melancthon, and the event will be in the Horning’s Mills WI Hall. Meet our many volunteers and thank them for their work at the DCMA.

The highlight of the day will be the first public introduction to the DCMA’s Five-Year Strategic Plan.

After the meeting you will be invited on a walking tour through Horning’s Mills with Martin Hunt.

After the walk, we will send you off with a driving tour guide through Melancthon Township.

Annual Get Together (AGGT)
Horning’s Mills Hall

May 4, 1 pm

For more details, 877-941-7787 or

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

May 1 - Tim Falconer's Bad Singer

Toronto-based writer Tim Falconer joins our Spring Lecture Series to describe his latest project, Bad Singer, a book about singing badly, tone deafness and why singing is so important to us!

Tim is working on an episode of CBC Radio’s Ideas featuring Bad Singer. He will entertain us with several short and humorous passages from Bad Singer, and perhaps, with some encouragement, he might even sing for us!

A portion of the fee will be donated to The Friends of Island Lake for their ‘Close the Gap’ campaign!

Bad Singer
May 1, 7 - 9 pm

At The Farmhouse Pottery Gallery & Café, 307114 Hockley Road.
For more details, or 519-941-6654.
Fee $10, includes coffee and dessert, call ahead to book, seating limited.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

April 25, 7 pm Dufferin Circle of Storytellers

The Dufferin Arts Council & the DCMA bring together an evening of tales by the Dufferin Circle of Storytellers.

Share in the stories that range from historical to witty, cheeky to heartfelt. The Storytellers know how to get the tales told and musical guests often join in.

Light refreshments will be available after the event.

Dufferin Circle of Storytellers

April 25, 7 pm

Tickets: $10.00 – available at Booklore in Orangeville,  Jelly Craft Café in Shelburne and at the DCMA.